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时间:2011-8-29 10:02:13 点击:

  核心提示:()1.—I regretted what I have done. — gone is gone. no use regretting it any more. A.Whats; ThatsB.Its; Thats C.Whats; ItsD.Thats; Its...

.Vocabulary and Structure 15%

Directions: There are fifteen incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

()1.—I regretted what I have done.

— gone is gone. no use regretting it any more.

A.Whats; ThatsB.Its; Thats

C.Whats; ItsD.Thats; Its

()2.by their curious natures, children prefer to do what is forbidden instead.



()3., the boys were shouting and singing.

A.Happy and excitedB.Happily and excited

C.Happily and excitedlyD.Happy and excitedly

()4.James didnt attend the meeting and .

A.so did JaneB.neither did Jane

C.Jane didnt tooD.Jane did too

()5.—Did they offer us enough books?

— than we had expected.

A.Much moreB.Many moreC.Little moreD.Rather

 ()6.It was only when I reread these poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty.

A.until B.that C.then D.so

()7.Not only I but also Jane and Marytired of having one examination after another.

A.is  B.are   C.am  D.be

()8.Now the needforeign languages is becoming greater and greater.

A.to learn B.learning

C.to be learned D.being learned

()9.In Britain,peoplefour million tons of potatoes every year.

A.swallow B.dispose

C.consume D.exhaust

()10.The computer revolution may well change society as as did the Industrial Revolution.

A.certainly B.insignificantly

C.fundamentally D.comparatively

()11.You cannot imagine how I feel with my duties sometimes.

A.overflowed B.overthrown

C.overwhelmed D.overturned

()12.A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the countryside.


()13.He hung up the phone, with a smile on his face.


C.to be satisfiedD.having satisfied

()14.Mr. White, along with his assistants, on the project day and night to meet the deadline.

A.workB.workingC.is workingD.are working

 ()15.The old lady has developed acough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.

A.perpetual B.permanent

C.chronic D.sustained

.Close 20%

Directions: There is one passage with blanks in this part.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best fills in the blank.

I used to find notes left in the collection basket of the church,beautiful notes about my homilies(讲道)and about the writers thoughts on the daily readings.The1fascinated me.But it was a long time2I met the author of the notes.

One Sunday morning,I was3that someone was waiting for me in the office,a young woman who said she4all the notes.When I saw her I was5,since I had no idea that it was she who wrote the notes.She was sitting in a chair in the office.Her6was bowed and when she raised it to look at me,she could barely7without pain.Her face was disfigured(畸形),so smiling was very8for her.We9for a while that Sunday morning and agreed to meet for lunch later that week.As it10,we went to lunch several times,and we shared things about our11.We spoke of authors we both had12,and it was easy to tell that13are a great love of hers.She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look14.I know that her condition15her deeply.Yet there was a beauty to her that had nothing to do with16.She was one to be listened to,whose words came from a wounded but17heart.She possessed a fine tuned sense of beauty.Her only18in life was the loss of a friend.The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the19for a glimpse ()of what it is that matters.She found beauty and20and they befriended her,and showed her what is real.

()1.A.questionsB.ideas C.notes D.basket

()2.A.since B.after C.when D.before

()3.A.told B.warned C.informed D.showed

()4.A.lost B.left C.dropped D.collected

()5.A.shocked B.satisfied C.frightened D.disappointed

()6.A.hand B.arm C.head D.body

()7.A.stand B.smile C.speak D.sit

()8.A.pleasant B.bitter C.ugly D.difficult

()9.A.chatted B.discussed C.drank D.greeted

()10.A.turned outB.turned up C.came out D.came up

()11.A.families B.beliefs C.hobbiesD.lives

()12.A.known B.read C.met D.heard

()13.A.friends B.churches C.writingsD.books

()14.A.friendly B.happy C.attractive D.normal

()15.A.hurt B.impressed C.changedD.affected

()16.A.fame B.wealth C.interest D.looks

()17.A.cheerful B.interesting C.loving D.exciting

()18.A.fear B.wonder C.defeat D.regret

()19.A.dream B.surface C.imagination D.time

()20.A.success B.hope C.grace D.help

作者:不详 来源:网络
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