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时间:2012-3-27 13:34:52 点击:


( )1.He said that he would pay _____ second visit to Brazil _____ next month.

A.a, the B. the, the C. the, / D. a, /

( )2.-How many students are there in this school?

-There are __________.

A.three hundred and forty five B. three hundred and forty-five

C. three hundreds and forty five D.three hundreds and forty-five

( ) 3.Always read the ____ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine

A. explanation B. instructions C. description D. information

( ) 4. _________ you are, _________ you live, you must be interested

in the future of this planet.

A. Whoever; however B. Whatever; whichever

C. Whoever; wherever D. Whenever; wherever

( )5.—When shall we start, today or tomorrow?

—_____ is OK. You decide!

A. Neither B. Every C. Each D. Either

( )6.The father as well as his two children ____ climbing every

Sunday afternoon in winter.

A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going

( )7.—Andrew has made great progress in mathematics recently.


A.So has he, so you have B. So he has, so have you

C. So has he, so have you D. So he has, so you have

( )8.—I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.

— !

A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations

( )9.—We all believe him he said is true.

A、because B、because of

C、because of what D、because what

( )10.If we ______, we can realize the progress we have made.

A. turn back B. move back

C. answer back D. look back



2、新课程标准以“ ”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。

3、语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法、 和 。

4、 指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。

5、此次课程改革的重点是改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养倾向,强调课程从学生的兴趣、 和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和 的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的 、主动思维和 、提高跨文化意识和形成 能力的过程。


My grandmother was an iron—willed( 坚硬的)woman.When I was five,she invited some friends to her apartment. Among the guests there (be)a rich man and his daughter. Grandmother considered them the most important among the guests.

During the party. I went to the bathroom. I was still sitting down when the girl walked in. “You (stay)here too long!”

“It`s not your business. Don`t you know that little girls shouldn`t come into the bathroom when a little boy (use)it!?”I said in anger. This (surprise)the little girl. Then she started to cry. Most guests had heard what I said and laughed. But not Grandmother.

She (wait)for me when I left the bathroom and noticed a torrent(激流)of water (run)out from under the door。Everyone knew who did that. Grandmother was so angry that she tried (get)me anyway. It took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down.

My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lap. He looked at me,not at all angry or upset. “ (tell)me,”he asked,“why did you do it?”

“Well,she shouted at me for nothing,”I said seriously. “Now she`s got something to be angry at.”

Grandmother didn`t speak right away。He just sat there,looking at me and smiling. I never (forget)his expressions(表情)for my whole life.

“Eric”he said at last,“I think you did the right thing.”


He looked just like a next-door grandpa.He enjoyed giving sweets to Children and telling stories to his grandson in his free time.

That grandpa was Deng Xiaoping,one of the greatest leaders in China's history.

Why does China love Deng?

Deng did a lot of to make the country richer.In 1978,he said that the whole country should open up to other countries.(A)他想帮助中国赶上其它国家。

Deng’s idea of opening up lets foreign companies build factories in China.This helps Chinese people to learn new skills and make more money.(B)Now China is developing more quickly than any other country in the world.

In his early years,Deng was a leader in the war against Japan and the War of Liberation.He also helped to builld New China.

Bringing China back together

Deng a1so worked for Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

(C) (在二十世纪八十年代), Deng met with top British 1eaders.He agreed that people in Hong Kong could keep their own way of life after returning to the motherland.

With Deng’s help,(D) to the motherland, Hong Kong, came back, in l997, and, Macao, 1999, in.

People remember Deng not only because he was a great 1eader.They also remember him for his strong heart and great mind.

Three times in his life,he was wronged(被冤枉的)and thrown out of the Govemment.But he never gave up his ideas,and finally he came back.

“I think Deng will have a very important place in the history of China and in the history of the world,”Said (E) former US President George Bush.








Reading:Christmas Day


Warming up .(教师通过多媒体展示一副圣诞节的画,画中白雪茫茫,可爱的雪人,一温馨的房子,远处一麋鹿拖着雪橇,载着笑咪咪的圣诞老人,悠悠地来了。)

T: Who is he ?

S: He is Father Christmas.

T: Is he very old?

S: Yes.

T: Why do you think so ?

S: Because he wears white beard .

T: (指着圣诞老人手上的铃铛) What’s in his hand ?

S: A bell.

T: That’s right.


T: When you hear the bell ,Can you remember a famous song about Father Christmas.

S: (兴奋地) Jingle Bell.

T:That’s right. Let’s sing together. (点击课件,播放歌曲,学生齐唱)


T: Now ,class, talk to each other in group of four. What do you know about Christmas Day? You have 4 minutes to talk to each other and than I’d like you to tell the class.


T: Now class, time is up . Which group would like to share your ideas with us?(这时进行一小组比赛,统计回答次数)

Group 1: Christmas Day is on december 25.

Group 2: Father Christmas is very kind. He brings presents to children all over the world. (统计比赛结果,及时表扬和鼓励)


1. 这个教学片段用了什么教学方法和学习方式?体现在哪些细节上?(4分)

2. 结合文本谈一谈此导入部分体现了哪些新课程理念?(6分)



此部分内容选自仁爱版教材七年级下册Unit6 Our Local Area Topic3 How can I get to the bookstore?Section A。

(本课四会新词:bridge along turn across meter)


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