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小学英语说课稿:小学一年级英语《My body》说课稿

时间:2011-8-1 16:02:38 点击:

My body说课稿

教材:选择图文并茂、生动有趣和贴近生活的深港版小学英语教材。本次讲授是Part A Unit 7 Primary English for China Book1.这一课出现五官的单词、祈使句和一个故事。本节课主要讲新单词,以及了解祈使句。


1.     认识五官及其作用,能用英语正确的表达。

2.     在祈使句中运用物主代词your,能用英语正确发出和接受命令。


1.     Learn new words a nose  a mouth  a finger  ears  eyes

2.     Talking about one’s body and using plural nouns.

3.     Learn to give orders.


认识五官及其作用, 从而强调正确的读书写字的姿势,强化保护眼睛的重要性和如何保护眼睛。

分析:一年级学生是活泼好动、爱唱、爱跳的,他们学习的动力来源于有趣的教学内容和富有吸引力的活动形式,英语课的“动态”教学,目的就是要让学生在无任何心理压力的状态下轻松愉快地学习,并且乐在其中。所以,准备My body》这一课时,我从一年级学生的实际情况出发,遵守三个“动态”教学的原则,即趣味性原则、活动性原则、变化性原则,来设计教学。


Teaching procedure

.Warm-up and greeting.

 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Look! There’re so many teachers. We say hello to them .

Ss: “Good morning, teachers!”

T: I like singing, do you like singing? OK, let’s sing Head and shoulders, knees and toes…

目的:这课前两分钟,利用活动性原则跟学生们唱着Head and shouldersknees and toes带领学生唱唱、跳跳、说说,这样做不仅引起了学习动机,还消除了孩子们拘束和紧张,使课堂气氛活跃,从而煅炼他们的反应能力,为后面活跃课堂气氛奠定了良好的基础。


1.Learn new words and do actions.

Show a picture of a pupil in the class. Ask the pupils what’s on her face. In this way I can introduce the new words. Then use Koko’s face to present the new words.

  T: What’s missing on Koko’s face?

  S1: Mouth.

  T: Yes, you’re right. Come here and stick it on the Koko’s face. 

2.Say the name of each part of my face and let pupils point to their body.

Then ask a pupil to give orders and the others follow him/her.


3.What can you do with your eyes/ nose/ mouth/ ears? Chant together.

4.How to protect your eyes?

目的:认识五官及其作用, 从而强调正确的读书写字的姿势,强化保护眼睛的重要性和如何保护眼睛。

. Practice

1.     Watch CD-ROM and read after it.

2.     Ask a pupil to be a teacher. Read after him/her.

3.Guessing game. What’s missing in the picture?


4.Ask pupils to design a face for each group. Then talk about it.



Today we have learnt the name of the part of the face. Let’s read new words and the sentences together. Every day you see with your eyes, you must protect your eyesight.



  After class you listen and read Part A Unit 7. Then you survey animals What are they different?


作者:不详 来源:网络
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