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初中英语教案:七年级英语《Where are you from?-Lesson 95》教案范文

时间:2012-12-6 16:48:44 点击:

Lesson 95教学设计示例(一)






2.教师复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? 等等。或者教师复习课文第94课第2部分的对话,并让学生演示对话内容。

3.教师拿出一张明信片,在黑板上把明信片的基本格式画下来,同时教学新单词postcard。 教学Dear….和Love from…并向学生解释love from 仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。教师向学生讲明用英语书写地址的方法。并提醒学生,写地址的时候,要把单位或地区小的信在前面,大的写在后面。然后举例并写在黑板上。

4.教师放课文录音,并提出问题。学生回答完问题之后再放一遍录音,让学生听读同步进行。请学生把课文的英文信件翻译成中文,并向学生解释Linclon Drive 是指林肯大街。





9.教师布置家庭作业 :让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送给朋友的面前,让朋友改正自己的语法错误。




Lesson 95教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

New words: teach, postcard, dinner, soon, stay.

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, tapes, pictures.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the “writing” side of a postcard on the Bb. And teacher show the real card to Ss, teach the word postcard. And Explain that Love from…is only used between family members and good friends.

2. Point out the way to write an address in English. Note that the name of the person comes first. Write the school address on the Bb, e.g. :

Miss Li Manhua

  No. 27 Middle School

  Donghuamen Street

  Beijing, 100009

  People’s Republic of China

3. Get the students to write their own address, and check their work each other.

Step 3 Read

1.Before playing the tape, let the students read the questions.

2.Then give them several minutes to scan the postcard for the answers. At last play the tape, students listen and repeat.

3.have the students translate Lily’s letter into Chinese.

Step 4 Practise

1.Students work alone and then check the answers in pairs.

2.Get the students to correct “Wrong” answers.

Step 5 Talk and write

1.revise some telephone greetings.

2.have the students work in pairs and write their telephone conversation.

3.choose several pairs to act out their dialogue for the class.

4.as they practise, remind the students to pay attention to their intonation.

5.tell the students in Chinese that even though it is a phone conversation, people do different things when they speak on the phone, e.g. some people pace back and forth, others twist the telephone cord around their finger, etc.

Step 6 Workbook.

Do Ex. 3.in Wb Lesson 95 in the class.


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises after class.

2 Go over the language items listed in Checkpoint 24.



Lesson 95教学设计示例(三)

Teaching aims


Key points


Difficult points

Five days a week, teach sb. Sth., on Sundays, ask sb. To do sth,, write to sb.

Teaching methods


Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?等等。


Step 2 Presentation

1.教学新单词postcard,教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,向学生展示英文明信片的基本格式。并向学生说明Love from….仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。



4.教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,让学生熟悉了解英文信件的格式。然后让学生对两种不同的格式进行比较,总结出其中的不同之处,加深学生对英文明信片和英文书信格式的印象。

step 3 read


2.请学生把lily 的信件翻译成中文,并向学生讲Lincoln Drive 是林肯大街/道。

Step 4 practice


Step 5 reading

教师打开多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》让学生掌握信件的格式。同时让学生比较一下postcard, letter and mail 的区别。教师让学生作练习。

Step 6 summary



教师布置家庭作业 ,让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送到朋友的面前,并让朋友更正自己的语法错误。



作者:不详 来源:网络
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