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时间:2015-04-04 17:23:56 点击:


  1、 中英文自我介绍(英文情况偏多)

  2、 what's your objective in scb?

  3、 你的专业并不是和银行完全对口,怎么会选择银行?

  4、 为什么选择scb?

  5、 平时学习之余,还做些什么?

  6、 有无参加学校学生会和社团,有无组织负责过什么活动?

  7、 面对压力你会怎么办,怎么去解决?

  8、 你在学校都学习哪些课程?

  9、 你对你们做得presentation和discussion评分多少?(9~10题小组讨论完后的提问)

  10、 对自己在整个过程中起的作用评价,认为一组中谁最出色

  11、 why standard chartered?

  12、 what you think about "success"

  13、 when graduate from the GA, how do you define you are successful?

  14、 how to make a success in a team?

  15、 When you get in standard chartered, you will be set a internationalworking enviroment, you may be have to communicate with colleagues fromdifferent country, with different culture backgroud, it will be difficult and tough,how do you handle this?

  16、 When you, as a freshman, have found out some improvement for yourteam project, what is your action?

  17、 how do you think you have to be mobile, have to always travel aroundon businees trip to different country, like middle east, different culture anddifferent language?

  18、 If you are given three choices middle-east, singapore, london for abusiness trip, with the same task, which you prefer?

  19、 Compare to other students, what are your three advantage?

  20、 面试官会要求你用一分钟打动他,你会怎么说呢?

  21、 用英文介绍一下自己的情况、优势及职业目标

  22、 谈一谈对Global Market的看法

  23、 你取得成功的原因是什么?(针对你参加的某项活动提问)

  24、 做为新人,如果团队里面有个人不合作,你怎么跟处理?

  25、 你怎么知道自己在新环境中要学习些什么?

  26、 你觉得自己和同事应当保持一种什么样的关系,特别是和上级,一定要做朋友吗?

  27、 你对这个PROGRAMME的理解?


  29、 你和实习单位没有签约的意向吗?

  30、 你申请的GLOBAL MARKET我们不招人,你只可以去CLIENT RELATIONSHIP部门,有问题吗?

  31、 平时看哪些书报杂志?

  32、 讲一则最近看的财经新闻,并谈谈自己的看法

  33、 你能给我一个理由让我录取你而放弃别人吗?

  34、 这些特点别人也有,你能讲点自己比较特别的么?(针对33题的深入提问)

  35、 What attracts you to SCB and this program?

  36、 What makes you feel successful?

  37、 What do you think are excellent customer services?

  38、 If you find out improvements, what is your action as a junior member?

  39、 Do you like to work under high pressure and intensity?

  40、 As a junior member, how could you contribute to the bank?

  41、 What are the three strengths that will help you succeed in the business?

  42、 How would you learn things in a new placement?

  43、 .If you join a team, you will be with different people, what are yourtactics?

  44、 10.What kind of career do you like to have?

  45、 .How do you get support when you want to make changes happen?

  46、 是否对IGP和CEL这两个program都open minded。

  47、 Describe a situation when you have to make decisions in very limited time

  48、 How you convince others to do the right thing , which might be the thingsthey dislike , sometimes

  49、 How to handle many tasks at a time

  50、 How to decide the priority when you face many tasks

  51、 What’s your understanding of wholesales banking, why you applied forit

  52、 Which of your qualifications , you suppose, will make you successful in thisbanking industry

  53、 Do you mind doing a lot of entry-level work in the first 1 or 2 years afterjoining SCB

  54、 What’s the trend in the banking business, in your perspective, especiallyin Asian Area

  55、 Describe a situation when you gave out creative solutions and achieveda good feedback

  56、 Any other offers you’ve got so far ? what’s your preference and how tochoose ?

  57、 你怎么理解一个银行的业务?

  58、 愿不愿意在压力很大的情况下工作

  59、 什么是成功?

  60、 举三个例子说明自己的优势

  61、 作为一个新人,如何在团队中作贡献?

  62、 作为新人,如果发现团队中有可以改进的地方,如何提出?

  63、 How to present professionally before clients?

  64、 当你处在一个新环境中如何适应新的变化?

  65、 what do u think SCB will consider when we start private banking

  66、 你作为一个职业经理,怎么样向你的客户提供最好的服务

  67、 有没有听说过international graduate项目

  68、 你怎么评价自己的成绩

  69、 新的婚姻法规定,大学生可以结婚,大家就此讨论是否应该,并提出一些建议

  70、 如何定义渣打银行的成功

  71、 如果你去拜访一个重要的客户,比如某公司的CFO,在电梯中碰到他,你会怎么做?

  72、 介不介意做一些公司最基本的工作?

  73、 在BRAINSTORMING 中你将要怎样的发表自己的意见?

  74、 你有好的想法时该怎么样说服你的MANAGER同意你的建议?

  75、 别人会不会因为喜欢你而帮助你?


  77、 Are you fast learner? how u learn things? how can you a best learner?

  78、 how you join a new team?举个例子

  79、 if scb's private bank enter a new mkt, what will you do?

  80、 如何让别人信任你?例子

  81、 你做事情会考虑很多后果吗?例子

  82、 你是不是追求变化,例子

  83、 是否是quick decision maker?例子

  84、 两件很急的事情,在你面前,你会先做哪件?

  85、 What professional image you want to show to customers?

  86、 你觉得银行是做什么的?

  87、 how will you react when you see something need to change

  88、 how can you fit in a new placement

  89、 what make you feel successful

  90、 what's excellent customer service

  91、 what's your ideal job and goal

  92、 what does a bank do?

  93、 What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years?

  94、 How would a tutor, teacher or friend who knew you well describe you?

  95、 How do you get support for your ideas from other people?

  96、 Why do you want to work for Standard Chartered Bank?

  97、 What attracts you to a career in banking?

  98、 What attracts you to the business or function you have chosen?

  99、 What would be your advice to the board in your first week at the Bank?

  100、 When you would be available for interview in the countries of yourchoice?

  101、 What are your hobbies and interests?

  102、 When you get in standardchartered, you will be set a internationalworking enviroment, you may be have to communicate with colleagues from过来人面试技巧http://bbs.guolairen.com/forum-8-1.htmldifferent country, with different culture backgroud, it will be difficult and tough,how do you handle this? /How can you work with people well?

  103、 What you bring to SCB as a freshman

作者:文武银行招聘网 来源:网络




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