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三八妇女节祝福语 妇女节英文祝福语

时间:2016-03-02 16:46:56 点击:

三八妇女节祝福语 妇女节英文祝福语

 Will not have the sun, the flowers not toopen; Hasnotlikedthen not having happiness; Does not have the womanalsonottolove; Without the mother, also will not have thepoet,alsowillnot have the hero. The International WorkingWomensDayisjoyful!



  What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest?Installs! Whatisdiligentand thrifty? Digs out! What is Fengxian?Silly! Whatisintelligent?Blows! What beautiful woman? You! Thebeautifulwomanholiday isjoyful!



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  The wife, today is March EighthInternationalWorkingWomensDay, is your great holiday! At thismoment, I mustgiveyouthousands of injunctions with to send regardsthat thisismostvaluable poor!



  My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, butcovers thewindandrain sufficiently for you; My arm is not veryperhapspowerful,butcan also support blue sky for you. TheInternationalWorkingWomensDay is joyful!



  The International Working Womens Day deliversyouthefemininekeeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing mewhenlonghangs thesmiling face; 2 careful, completes matter whicheveryIconfessed; 3intimate, forever places me first.Hasremembered?



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